Start with dyeing your cotton fabric, use tea bags and salt, or cheap instant coffee and salt for a slightly deeper colour. For the crinkled ribbon, use polyester seam binding dyed in tea, left squished up to dry.
These images show a quick easy way, using pinking sheers to trim, and a machine or hand sewing to finish after filling with polyester stuffing.

Sew outline and design

How the back looks

Then tapTape hanging ribbon to the back.

Tape matching fabric to the back together your ribbon of choice for the tail.

Bunch together some of your dyed scrunched seam binding ready for the tail.

Pop from the hoop, carefully trim with pinking sheers, making sure that you do not cut off the hanging loop. fill with lavender or quilt batting. Sew up the opening, having stuffed your ribbon tail in the opening. I sewed with machine stitches, but hand is fine.